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As most of us never get to tackle a feat such as the Appilaction Trail (AP) (Maine to Georgia)...take the FOUR minutes out of your busy schedule to speed through the following video. "The Green Tunnel" by filmmaker Kevin Gallagher.

Green Tunnel from Kevin Gallagher on Vimeo.

A six month journey along the 2,200 mile long Appalachian Trail, condensed and reinterpreted into five minutes of stop-motion.

The AP being on my 'bucket list' many of you have pointed out I will probably never have the 6 months off of work to complete it. would not have to ask me twice if you wanted to hike any Section of this 2,181 mile long adventure.

Be sure to view the photos from my last Epic thru-hike, the 220 miles John Muir Trail (JMT) in Califoria.



Those who know I am an avid cyclist and enjoy all aspects of the bicycle. Anything pedal-powered with two wheels....count me in!

Made it out for my first ride of 2011 short 10 mile warm-up north towards Wisconsin.  Find the waypoints here: : First Cycle of 2011::10miles

View iTrail - my trail2011 first - cycling - 11/03/2011 16:46:26 in a larger map

I highly recommend you take 7 minutes while your surfing the web to watch the video below from a 2010 conference in Copenhagen about the social aspect (& impact) of cycling and how it will change our World.  Its a long way off here in the States at least in my area, but some urban planners are starting incorporate the Velo community. 

Velo-City Global 2010 from Velo-city Global 2010 on Vimeo.

See More at

Great example take Fort Colins Colorado , they have built a great trail system to enable their college students and residents to get around by foot or cycle.  Places in Europe have a huge jump in terms of the population which primary commute by bicycle.  Take Netherlands for instance on my brief trip to Zwolle I was amazed at the swams of riders commuting to work and school on their modern day versions of the good old velocipede

So tell your town officials bike lanes and paths are a high priority and not only needed for recreation but also a way to get around without depending on big OIL...